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Fall Is the Best Time to Replace Your Roof

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When Should I Replace My Roof?

If you are in need of a roof replaced, you may wonder what time of year is best to get a new roof. Fall is a great time to get your roof replaced.

First, when you get a roof repair in the fall, you probably have a happier crew working on it. Roof work is hot and dangerous. When temperatures cool down in the fall, your roofing crew tends to be happier. That will not make a difference in the quality of the work you get; our crews are professionals who provide consistently good results. However, the crew will be happier!

If a happy crew is not enough to motivate you, other reasons might.

Why Fall May Be The Best Time To Replace Your Roof

Fall Roof ReplacementStorms are less likely in the fall. We can also look to forecasts to predict fall storms, which are different than the afternoon storms we may see in the summer. That means that you are less likely to have your roof replacement delayed. You are also unlikely to have sudden storms crop up in the middle of your repairs. Not only are the repairs faster, but you will have a higher quality roof.

Roof replacement is better in cool conditions. That is because the shingles being cool can create a better thermal seal. This means better adhesion to your roof’s subsurface. However, while cool temperatures are good, colder temperatures can make it more difficult to work on your roof. Shingles can get brittle and break. So, you can have delays.

While fall offers a break from summer storms, winter is often marked by its own storms. Plus, winter storms can dump snow on a roof. The weight of snow can lead a weakened roof to fail, and getting repairs in the winter can be difficult. So, getting a new roof in the fall can help you avoid those risks. Plus, getting the roof replaced in the fall gives it time to bond, providing you a great seal by the time winter rolls around.

Fall roof replacements also help you take advantage of an increase in insulation. New roofs generally provide better insulation than older roofs. Getting a better seal and more insulating tiles will increase your R rating. This improved insulation can keep your house warmer over the winter.

Ready to find out more? Contact Rest Assured Roofing to get a quote for a fall roof.

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